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Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik جامعة الروح القدس – الكسليك

The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (in French: Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik (USEK); جامعة الرّوح القدس – الكسليك Jāmi'aẗ Al Rūḥ Al Qudus – Al KaslÄ«k), is a private Catholic university in Mount Lebanon, founded in 1950 by the Lebanese Maronite Order (LMO). USEK is multilingual but French is the most common language at the university. The university has eleven faculties and four Institutes employing 900 teachers and researchers. Administration is managed by a staff of 300. USEK aims to be the first carbon neutral university in the Middle East by 2025.